
So Where Is Panel Three?

Have you ever been so excited to complete a project that you forgot to photograph it before delivering it (or leaving the site)?
Well, thats what happened here.... a duh moment.
I was so anxious to deliver it so I could focus on returning home that I completely forgot to take a picture of it.
Speaking of returning home......I have :-).....after six+ weeks and all this work.....the 'main' elevator 5.5'x 25' that attaches to the shaft wall (the elevator cab is glass) and the three panels for the interior walls of the service elevator cab, approximately 50"x 63" with bamboo wainscot below (minus panel three not shown here of course).
You can see where these murals will be hung here.
There was also taking time off from these projects to help produce these two works in collaboration with faux painter/artist Randy Keller.
A LOT of work squeezed into six weeks.
I'll be returning to Florida in a couple of weeks to work on another project and while I'm there I will be visiting the site where the elevator murals will be hung to make some final adjustments. I had painted the ceiling of the service elevator cab on site and was not pleased with the finished outcome. Rather than try and make corrections then, I decided it was wiser to return after the mural was in place. The client requested the ceiling be made to look like the sky, and I know that I made the clouds way too fussy, I over worked them, and I'm certain they/it will not match up with the sky of the mural pieces. You'd think working on a small project like the elevator cab ceiling would be done in a flash......at least that's what I thought.......I was there for about five hours when I finally realized I needed the mural in place in order to match everything properly!
Anyway..........once I return to complete the project I will take photos. Personally?.....I can't wait to see both projects hung.

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