This is a totally personal post today....absolutely nothing to do with art.
I was thinking about two of my sisters today, Susan and Leslie.......actually I think of them almost everyday. They each took their own lives back in the early nineties, and I miss them.

That's me on the left, Susan on the right, Leslie front and center :-) Leslie was a well loved teacher in the Poconos and helped bring computers into the classroom. Susan was the Martha Stewart of homemakers and so creative. We were the first three of six kids. I was making the traditional family Christmas cookies a couple of days ago and I guess that initiated the mental slide show of family memories. Anyway....I just wanted to give them a home on my blog.
One of my facebook friends (and old classmate) made a comment about a photo I posted of my two grandsons, suggesting he saw a resemblance (which eludes me). He was referencing it to an old high school photo of me. I don't have any of my old photos with what was left of them to my son, but I'm pretty sure he was just being sweet.
He also suggested that I probably look the same as I did as a young girl, which of course made me laugh out loud. I mean, come on, who really does.
And may I go on record as saying I hate getting older! To date I have found nothing endearing about it, maybe senior discounts at Goodwill, but that's (I do love thrift shops). Aches and pains and weight gains........ wrinkles, grey hairs (God bless Clairol!) and no more stares (from guys). If I hear Oprah declare one more time how this is the best time in a woman's life, I may have to write her a really strong letter. Maybe if I were a billionaire and had the adulation of millions of people feeding my ego on a daily basis my attitude might be different. But as it stands, I'm with sucks!
Ok....enough of that. Here's that picture of my two adorable grandsons. The older one Ian at 4 and a half is trying to figure out the relationship between family members and yesterday he asked me if I had any kids and I said yes and pointed to his dad. The look on his face was priceless as he looked back and forth between me and his dad. He earned the title that day of 'favorite grandson' for questioning my being old enough to be his dads mother.....too cute.

Oh.......and the explanation for the Christmas card below is that they are having a moment of silence, honoring the contribution/sacrifice of the trees life to their Christmas. It was the first year they cut their own tree.