Frugal Friday...the art of living on the cheap

You can check out freecycle.org, see if there's a group in your area, I love free stuff! And of course there's the old standby Craigslist's free listings.

Check out mygrocerydeals.com for sale items in stores near you, they have links to coupon sites as well so you can save even more.
Well, that should keep you busy...if anyone has some good tips or sites to share feel free to leave them in the comments area. I've got to get started on a canvas mural. This is the sketch of the project.

Wearable Art Wednesday

There's a great interview with artist Margaux Lange, creator of this unique fun piece, at
Beads Art. And you can see more of Margaux's stuff here.

Tasty Tuesday: the art of beautiful food

Well......my one cleaning (et-hem exercise session :-) job canceled for this week, money I was counting on, so much for income security......one step forward, two steps back, now I fall behind in a bill and get to add a late fee to it......sigh. Ah.........the glamorous life of an artist.
Tomorrows post.......Wearable Art Wednesday.
Came across another silhouette mural site but with a twist, not quite a true silhouette... SuddenShadows.com


Here's the original photo...

Want to see the incomplete sketch :-)? They wanted cartoon-y. There were more animals to add, and a Noah of course, and an extension on the left with more foliage. Oh well.....would have been fun.


Check out the site, there's lots of cool stuff on there.....a great place to get unique gifts.

Thursday I'll resume work on the portrait and I also have an appointment to look at a potential mural job.....Noah's Ark in a church......fingers crossed :-)
How to Post Image Based Ads on Craigslist
Anyone else have trouble figuring out how they get those picture ads on Craigslist? Well, I finally went to Youtube.......you can find out how to do anything on Youtube!!.......and there they were, several videos on how to add an image to an ad. This is the one that helped me.
First though I had to create a picture ad and for that I used Picnik, a fun photo editing site you can use for free (or 'upgrade' for more options). This is one of the quick photo ads I created to use on Craigslist. They have several free templates you can use.
I saved this photo to Photobucket. Then copied the html/image code and then simply pasted the code into the Craigslist ad.....simple :-) I ran into a gliche when trying to paste the code on Craigslist, but solved it. If you have the same trouble instead of clicking on the code of your 'picture', click on the 'more' button below the codes and you'll see a new code displayed.....use that one.
Got a lot done on the child's portrait today, and will get back to it on Tuesday.
It was a gorgeous day today and with my windows wide open I could hear all the comments from people passing my apartment and noticing the new window screens.......people waving and yelling "Hi, Mr. President".... I love when they stop and make comments....very cool.....I need to put a sign in the lawn in front of the building with contact info like contractors do!
