
Living With Nature....Literally!

My employers are returning from their island home tomorrow night so today was spent getting the house all tidied up. They will be here for just 2.5 weeks and I will either leave for Philly when they leave or I'll stay on a bit to wait for my apartment to be ready (April 1st).
I have to say I am not going to miss living with these annoying bugs.....I have learned to laugh at them, I find them in the strangest places, but I have to say I didn't expect this in a house that's on the market for 7.5 million. I always wear shoes in my rooms cause every once in a while you hear a little crunch when stepping on a Asian ladybug.
What an odd place for this bug to decide to hang out.
Sigh......just a few more weeks.
Here's how the portrait is coming along..........
I'm getting happier with it, but I can't seem to keep myself from making him look older. I think it might be the nose that's doing it, its longer than maybe it should be.
When I finish this I have a dog portrait to do......oh, and another smaller painting for this portrait client....its of her older son and her husband on the beach looking out at the ocean, more like a silhouette...very sweet.

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