
A quiet Sunday today.  I got some ACEO's up on ebay this afternoon....

I snapped this picture Friday morning at a neighbors across the street, its hanging over the fence on the street side, I'm surprised no one has plucked it off.  You can just see at the top of the fence he's also got corn growing in his yard!  Who says you can't grow veggies if you live in a city.
I even have a client a couple of blocks away who's now raising a half dozen chickens in her back yard along with having a vegetable garden.  She'll start getting fresh eggs sometime this fall.


Happy Birthday to me and I have the day off while a clients entire home interior is being painted........ah, but I'll be spending the weekend helping them put everything back together.  I've also got six ACEO paintings going out in the mail this afternoon :-)  So a good day to get some more started.  I'll pick up some 'models' while I'm at the grocery store this afternoon.
Awwwww, isn't that sweet, google said Happy Birthday to me.