
I got to take some photos of the service elevator mural installed at the mansion.
You can see in the one corner where the wallpaper hanger fitted in a piece of canvas to compensate for the shrinkage of the center panel. Below the canvas they will be putting a bamboo wainscot.
This is part of that third panel that I didn't post before. The mural tells a story of an island fisherman first preparing his nets for fishing, then fishing, and then home with the catch. Notice his hat hanging on the porch of the house, the fish drying between the two palm trees and a pot on the campfire.
I'll go back in and work on that corner section and redo some of the ceiling that I wasn't happy with.

I was so disappointed....while I was at the mansion I spotted a pod of dolphins just off shore, and I actually captured them on my camera. I was hoping to post a video of them, but......I accidentally ERASED THE FILM! I wanted to cry.

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