
I've been working non-stop the past week or so on a couple of different projects. I finished the drop leaf table....
and then I helped out a fellow artist who needed some help getting a huge floral piece done. This was my first peek at the mural via email and it came to me on Friday afternoon....
and left like this Sunday afternoon after a bit more was added to the bottom.....
Its a perfect day to take some time off, stormy and rainy outside, but the deadline for the Ooza Palooza job is looming in the near future, so its back to the studio today. I picked up a bunch of panels to paint last Thursday, they are for the lower third of the walls, the part that gets all the decorative artwork, flowers, plants.......
the top two thirds (the silhouette part of the murals will be painted on site directly on the walls.
These are going to take some time to do.
This is the exterior of the studio by the way, you can see I still haven't done anything about the awning at the front door that was left by the previous tenant. I just need to get up there and cover the name....fabric paint perhaps??
I'm also trying to come up with an idea for a mural for the side of the building.......
something that will double as an ad for the business, not just something pretty. The previous tenant had a mural on boards that they took with them, which I'm grateful for.......it was pretty ugly.
Well.......better make a move, back to work.

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