
I'll spend the entire day at the shop today. Yesterday I worked in a home where I had painted several palm trees a few years ago.
The home owners needed/wanted to repaint the walls but were anxious about losing the palm trees........they actually had friends offer to come and carefully paint around each palm tree, a daunting task indeed. They were delighted to find out that I had returned to So Florida and managed to track me down.
Their taste however had changed and I was asked to do the trees as before but in silhouette. Yeessss.........I forgot to take the after picture, but I'm returning there tomorrow to do some palm trees in the master bedroom and will take a few shots then.

I had a 'moment' in the shop a couple of weeks ago.....pissed me off. I go to the shop everyday and look at all my work sitting on the floor and hope that someone will come in and make a purchase as I'm slowly slipping behind in rents and bills and licensing renewal and taxes that are past due. Then someone comes in, wants a piece and asks......"Is this your best price?" or "Will you take ____ instead?" or "Can you do better on the price?" DOES THIS LOOK LIKE A YARD SALE??????? My prices are already rock bottom. Sorry but with all the work that goes into refurbishing these pieces AND doing the artwork?........I feel totally offended, its an embarrassing and awkward moment between shop owner and potential client. So..........I decided to make it less awkward on us both...............

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