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Remember the last mural job?
This was done last December, and in January another wall was done in the same room but with a completely different theme.  This is a favorite vacation spot of the woman of the house.....
This is her private room in the home and her idea was/is to surround herself with images that make her happy, that is their (the murals) connection.
I've been called back to finish off the room, there's still a corner of the room with blank walls.
This area because of the challenges created by the slanted walls and future positioning of furniture will be fairly simple design with the blue sky and a simple tall wild flower landscape.  I'll post sketches here as the process develops.
The homeowners have also asked me to do a bit of stenciling for them, a simple shell pattern on a living room wall and a more complex faux tile design on an exterior wall.  This is a wall of the garage....

and it looks as though the previous owners (and builders of the property) may have had in mind to do (for real) what the current owners are asking me to do (only with paint and obviously minus the fountain). Something like this..........
 or this......

What looks like a doorway was not built to be a doorway and there's an electrical outlet box half way up the framework which makes me wonder if it was going to originally be tiled and have a fountain.  Well, regardless, I will be doing a faux Moroccan tile design on the wall once the weather cools down a bit.

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