
Jury selection process yesterday....all day!.....and back again today. They were selecting for two criminal cases, I was not selected for the first case and the second one is still in the process of selecting. What an experience, I've never been through this before and I confess I'm getting quite an education on the law. Did you know that in Florida there is NO 'law' against driving while impaired??? And that impaired is not the same as drunk or intoxicated? Guess that's where all the numbers come into play drawing the line between the two.
Anyway.....back at it today.
This has actually worked out well. With the sale of the three pieces on Tuesday I was able to hire someone to do the sanding and priming on several pieces still needing attention. And with me out of the way he started yesterday while I was in court and will continue today. I stopped by the studio yesterday on my way home and I can't tell you what a wonderful feeling it was to walk in and see all my pieces standing there all primed and waiting for artwork. Here's some befores of what I picked up Wednesday at the thrift shop.
A chest that I will probably not do anything to except get the missing bit on the right door replaced. And I'm thinking it may look better raised up off the floor a couple of inches, bun feet? not sure yet....
Then another buffet. It will get the old Florida scene and antiquing treatment....
Then these two pieces.......
Spent just under $70 for all four pieces :-)
Can't wait to have the weekend to work on all of these (without having to do the prep work :-).

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