
Getting The Hang Of It.....

 I'm beginning to get the hang of Canva, I just need to embrace the learning curve ;-). I do tend to get impatient. I like the simplicity of these and it will make printing them myself more practical......less ink!

And can I just mention I'm not using a fancy multi ink printer and I mention this because almost every website or video I've gone to, to learn from, its always about a fancy more expensive multi ink cartridge printer that cost several hundred dollars and up. My printer is an HP ENVY 5535 and I don't even remember when I bought it. You can find pre-owned (shop wisely) ones online for under $100.....I'm just sayin.  I also found a photo paper that I like and its not as heavy as a card stock so the printer doesn't choke on it.  Its Koala brand 72 lb, I'm using the (one sided) satin finish.  The weight is nice for my note cards, a heavier weight might be better for 5x7 cards.



 The mug I ordered arrived today and I was so pleasantly surprised! Excellent quality and wonderful colorful printing. I will definitely order more.

I also received the note cards I had printed and they were also done really well...great color, nice heavy card stock and again I will reorder from these folks as well.

I am though wondering if I need to add something to the design? a border? some text? Not sure.  I have finally learned how to print cards on my computer so I can try out different options before submitting a new order.  If you are wondering why I wouldn't just print cards from home rather than ordering, its because of the cost and my equipment. Proper card stock, envelopes, cost of ink, a printer that will not accept a heavy card stock are all on my list of why not. I ordered these cards from Shutterfly and their pricing is very reasonable. If I'm missing something though and there's a better way to do this please advise :-)

Below is a full size greeting card that I had printed via (don't hate me) Temu before I had the Shutterfly ones done.  I only had four prints made in total and it was only to see how they would look up close and personal. But its the styling that I'm wondering about, the framing and the addition of text. More sellable? Staring.......staring......staring? I'm thinking yes, it looks more professional. Thoughts?


what do you think?

 Silly question, no one has ever left a message here or even seen this blog for all I know 🫤. I'm still searching for ways to earn some money and I just keep getting lost and tangled in all the websites unable to make decisions. I'd like to be able to use all the years of artwork I've created and saved to generate a bit of passive income.  So I'm searching for options.  Here's one possibility. Thoughts? These are all just mock ups done on the website where I did order just one mug to see how they look and feel. I'm anxious to see how long an order takes and then just have orders taken through me and sent to a buyer. It just seems easier to do it that way than to set up an online shop.  I could be wrong?


The back of the mug is a quote from John Lennon.... Tame birds sing of freedom. Wild birds fly.


Trimming Down

 I decided two years was enough time to waste on my addiction to beading! Made tons of things I liked but didn't do a thing with them. I'm not a very social person so setting up a craft market booth was out of the question and I have little to no skills when it comes to selling/marketing online.  So......things had to go!

And they just did 😁.  A lovely lady just came and pick all of this ↑ up.  I did keep a few bits and bobs for that 'just in case' feeling. Silly.

 Anyway maybe now I can get back to focusing on my painting.


New Sales and Cancer Update

 I finally managed to sell my first bracelet! Whew Who!!

And two more ACEO paintings, all on ebay of course.

Cancer update:  I'm still struggling with post radiation mental focus and a bit of fatigue now and then but all in all things are looking good.  I had a post surgery full body PET scan August 19th and no signs of cancer returning so far. But.........now my thyroid needs some attention, there's some slight enlargement and I'm blaming the radiation for that. I'm scheduled for an ultra sound in a couple of weeks to check that out.  Tomorrow its off to get my Covid vaccine! 


Finished those below now more birds and bracelets

 I finished the previous listing of birds and thank you they all sold.

Now I've just finished three more and will get them up on ebay soon.

I'm also still playing with how to best list some simple jewelry I've made.  I'm guessing its easiest to list them on ebay as well, rather than trying to create a whole new website for them.  I'm thinking they're the kind of simple designs that would do well in outdoor craft shows etc but I just don't have the outgoing personality needed for that sort of thing :-(  I will try listing the simplest bracelets at $5 plus (unfortunately) shipping, small padded bubble envelope.  Make sense? Even though they are simple in design I want to make sure they have tracking and protection.



Jewelry or Birds? Both :-)

 I've turned my attention back to painting small bird paintings (ACEO) for now. After I've done a few I'll get them back on ebay and then go back and play with some new beads that have arrived.

Everything seems to be a challenge lately. I'm dealing with post radiation brain fog. Its been 6 months since my head/neck cancer surgery and just 2 months since I ended radiation treatments. They say you can feel the effects (which includes tiredness) for weeks, months or even years. I have been lucky though the tiredness sort of comes and goes and doesn't last for too long and I actually feel better when I just push through it, the brain fog bothers me more, its just frustrating trying to stay focused. Good news though......I did just get a blood test result back that was NEGATIVE for any lingering cancerous cells 🎉😁.

Some more examples of my playing around with jewelry making, still very beginner basic but we'll see how it progresses ;-)


Some Recent Bird Paintings Sold on eBay

These were the last ones I painted before taking a break and switching over to my interest in simple jewelry making.   Sometimes you just need to lose yourself in something different.


Organized Mess-Practice Pieces



Website or No Website, That is The Question

Ok.....so while putting painting on hold for now I've been learning how to make jewelry, its amazing what you can learn on youtube.  I'm just learning simple things for now, I don't really like complicated, wiring wrapping is amazing but....not into it.  

Macrame jewelry has been popular for years and doesn't seem to be going out of style anytime soon. I made a bunch of simple bracelets a while ago and they're probably on this blog somewhere (oh yes, I see some down below) but I never did anything with them (except wear some of course ;-) never put any effort into selling them. I just spent a few hours on GoDaddy trying to put together a free website to list some of the things I've been making recently but I'm not sure its worth all the effort.  Should I just list them here....or list them on ebay.....maybe change up my ACEO website to include them on there? I don't know......I always seem to be chasing rainbows 🥹


February 26 2024 Head and Neck Cancer

Wondering where I've been?  It has been a crazy past 12 months, and not in a particularly good way. I lost two friends, one who lost her battle with cancer and another who lost her fight with copd.  And now? I have my own fight with head/neck cancer.  Sometime in late December 2023, early January I noticed the sudden (literally overnight) development of a large lump on my neck. After a series of doctor visits, blood work, xrays etc I was told I had cancer. Surgery and radiation treatments followed, then recovery time. Lots of follow up tests/exams will continue. A PET scan is scheduled for August. Along with all of that I lost half of my house cleaning clients, the work that supported me financially. The sales of my little bird paintings slowed, yet another disappointment.....Auuuuggghhh!! Picture me pulling my hair out!  I'm still feeling a bit lost trying to figure out how to deal with the future.  Still........I've gotten help/support from some really good people and even, at about to turn 73, I am still a fighter :-)


Holidays Have Slowed Me Down A Bit

 But not too much that I couldn't finally....FINALLY!...go to GoDaddy and put together a quick website for my ACEO paintings.  I'd say it took about 8hrs total building, revising, and revising again (hahaha) til I was finally ok with it. I have to say the GoDaddy template I used was super easy for me, a non-techy person for sure, I'd encourage everyone to check it out. Trust me, I tried several of the website builders and this was by far the easiest and frustration free to use.

Check out my quickie website if you like: http://aceopaintings.com



New Ebay Posts

 Just two today. All of the listings in the previous post have sold  😊 I may take a break from painting for a couple of days and perhaps work on a new website.


So much for keeping up :-(

 I wish I could recapture the enthusiasm I had years ago, everything just feels like a struggle. Things change. On that happy little bit of wisdom hahaha 🙄

Here's what is offered on ebay right now.



New post new listings :-)

 I finally managed to get myself to list just a couple of beaded bracelets on the already over saturated listings for beaded bracelets on ebay, but hey, we'll see what happens. Click HERE to check them out. Also have some new birds listed as well.