Next project....
Ok....the chest in the previous post was listed on Facebook Marketplace and has had 264 views but no contacts from potential buyers :-(. Not true, I did get one contact from an interested buyer but the size did not work. And I got a contact from someone just telling me how much they liked the piece...that was nice 😊
I put on hold the tall chest of drawers (also listed in a previous post below) still not sure what I will do with it. Instead I'm working on a piece I've had for quite some time. When I first found and purchased it, it looked like this.....
and right now this is where its at.
I had started first working on the door to this piece but then when I started working on the base (going in a totally unexpected direction) I decided the door design I had started just wouldn't work with this, so I'm rethinking on the direction this will go. Yes those are upholstery tacks on the top portion of the front legs, its really more stunning in person, I really like the look.....but oh what to do with the door front???🤔 It started as a serene pasture scene with a stream and fields, cows etc.....but that just won't work for this now.
I think while I'm trying to figure this one out I'll start the sanding of the tall chest of drawers tomorrow.
Chest is finished!
OK, so the white chest I bought is finished and it was so much fun working on it.
Oops....forgot to put the top drawer handles back on before taking the picture but you get the idea. I love how it turned out, so much so that I'm hesitating on listing it for sale, but I will eventually.
I got a bit careless today and spent money a bit to close to rent paying time. I saw this other chest of drawers for sale by the same person I bought the one above from and I'm sorry, but I had to have it. It was delivered today.
Oh My Goodness!
Down in the dumps lately, not sure why 🤔
Today I saw this charming, charming, charming buffet on Craigslist for $85 and it brought back all the feelings of being in a studio/shop painting furniture......I have to have it, not for me but to paint/resell!! Maybe its time to turn my (never used as a dining room) dining room into a studio? Just made an appointment to see it in the morning :-)
Next day........So I ended up not buying the one below (the buffet), she was just in a little too rough condition but I did buy something else, a nice vintage chest of drawers in really stable condition, clean and ready to paint. Now to decide how to make her stunning! Scrolling down are a couple done in the past that I really like. I think I'll take a sneak peek at Etsy to see whats popular and selling now days.
Canceled My Facebook Account
Canceled my Facebook account today, ha...not that anyone will notice. I never spent much time on it and when I did it was just time wasted. Plus.....after all this news reporting on the three who will be sitting by Trump as he is sworn in its a bit of a political statement on my part.....I think Amazon is going to have to go as well.
On a brighter note, I'm back to painting :-) and sold two on ebay this past week.
Still others looking for a home :-(
Is It Possible For Someone With Little Money To Get Anything Done?
I'm thinking don't get your hopes up. I made a small collage to get printed as sticker labels for my small card holding boxes for the Match Me card game, the labels would be 3"x4". I chose GotPrint to do the job, I had used them in the past with good results. The least you could order was 100. I uploaded my design, got a message it was approved, and waited. The stickers arrived yesterday and at first glance they looked good.
But as I looked further I noticed the color missing in a LOT of the images. The stickers on the left, perfect, the stickers on the right no so much. The cats jacket turning partially or totally from green to yellow, the blue sky disappearing, the blue and white birds head turning white in some, The green foliage turning yellow. About 30 of the stickers were perfect all the rest had color issues. When I contacted GotPrint about this I was told the fault was mine because the resolution was too low and this would cause pixelation and graininess. I do not see pixelation or graininess in this printing, I see color loss. How could 30 be perfect and the rest not be? I was told I could redo what I had sent them (with higher resolution) and they would redo it or I could have $45 in store credit. They refused to admit it was a printing error, clogged heads? low ink? 70 stickers into the trash. Ugh.
Just got word my stickers (from a different printing company) for the back of each card are arriving today. Fingers crossed🙄
Holidays Approaching
The Holidays. Seems I'm more of a humbug kind of person when it comes to holidays, even as a kid they were always more tense than warm and loving times. Expressing warmth and love I don't think came natural to my parents. Ha.....I was trying to think about my parents the other day and realized I didn't even know them, as people I mean. Silence seemed to be the best survival skill you could develop to try to keep tensions at bay. But I digress........
Fourthwall :-) I finally mastered creating the website, now I have to learn (at 73 mind you!) how to use social platforms to promote it. This is not going to be easy.
I removed the prints part of the website for now. I continue to mess around with designs and ways to create the prints (mostly the note cards) in the least costly way. I'm leaning toward printing them myself mostly because I've spent so much time and money on trying different papers, buying ink, learning how to print them properly etc etc.... I'd hate to give up and resort to using an outside company, but time and money will tell. This is the main reason I removed the prints part of the website for now......I have to know if someone orders something I can fulfill it confidently.
I'm also continuing to rework the Match Me card game, redesigning the label a bit of the cards box, ordering more prints of more recent works to add to the collections and figuring out ways to lower the cost of producing the end product. For example, the cards themselves aren't that expensive but add on printing on both sides or rounding the corners of the cards things begin to add up. So of course I purchased a corner cutter and I've ordered stickers to adorned the back of the cards (just til I learn how to make my own stickers ;-) at home.
There are two versions of the game, one of birds of course, and one for still lifes of fruits and vegs. All prints of my ACEO paintings. I had these free logos created via AI online, the stickers of each will arrive in a day or two as will the new labels and cards and I'll be back on here with pictures of the end product.
Fourthwall !
A couple weeks ago I learned about Fourthwall.com via some Youtube videos. For those who also never heard of it, its a site where you can set up for free (yes! for free!) a shop and use products that they have from Printful to put your designs on, you decide your commission. The products they have are I'd say pretty limited but Printful is about to merge with Printify so that could change as far as product inventory goes. You can also list your own products which is pretty cool. I've started listing things on there but as usual its another learning adventure. Its ok, I'm figuring out most of the stuff but I'm still confused on how to organize the 'pages' and keep things in their rightful place....but I'll get it eventually ;-). So far I've got some mugs listed (they have mugs :-) and some cards/prints. The cards I'm making myself and I price what I want. I need to get a lot more card designs up I think and maybe get a page for jewelry? Not sure about that yet. http://karenhetzer-shop.fourthwall.com
How to break the mold?
I can't seem to get away from the 'traditional' styling of things? I keep thinking I need to be more edgy or modern in designing things but I can't seem to unlock myself...hahaha...does that make sense? An example......another card design.
As I mentioned below I used Shutterfly to print some cards for me and I stand by my critique of their work. I want to mention that I also used Snapfish to print some cards and had a different experience. I'm waiting to see if I hear back from them. The print of the image was fine but the layout was not so much. A thin white border is visible on the left and bottom edges of the card (not on the right edge) and a larger white border is visible at the top of the card when it is folded and is very distracting. The bottom right corner of all the cards was visibly bent/damaged. I can trim away the side and bottom errors but it leaves that distracting white line across the top.....pretty disappointed. Just sayin :-(
I'm really hoping I can successfully and economically print my cards myself.
Getting The Hang Of It.....
I'm beginning to get the hang of Canva, I just need to embrace the learning curve ;-). I do tend to get impatient. I like the simplicity of these and it will make printing them myself more practical......less ink!
And can I just mention I'm not using a fancy multi ink printer and I mention this because almost every website or video I've gone to, to learn from, its always about a fancy more expensive multi ink cartridge printer that cost several hundred dollars and up. My printer is an HP ENVY 5535 and I don't even remember when I bought it. You can find pre-owned (shop wisely) ones online for under $100.....I'm just sayin. I also found a photo paper that I like and its not as heavy as a card stock so the printer doesn't choke on it. Its Koala brand 72 lb, I'm using the (one sided) satin finish. The weight is nice for my note cards, a heavier weight might be better for 5x7 cards.
The mug I ordered arrived today and I was so pleasantly surprised! Excellent quality and wonderful colorful printing. I will definitely order more.
I also received the note cards I had printed and they were also done really well...great color, nice heavy card stock and again I will reorder from these folks as well.
I am though wondering if I need to add something to the design? a border? some text? Not sure. I have finally learned how to print cards on my computer so I can try out different options before submitting a new order. If you are wondering why I wouldn't just print cards from home rather than ordering, its because of the cost and my equipment. Proper card stock, envelopes, cost of ink, a printer that will not accept a heavy card stock are all on my list of why not. I ordered these cards from Shutterfly and their pricing is very reasonable. If I'm missing something though and there's a better way to do this please advise :-)
Below is a full size greeting card that I had printed via (don't hate me) Temu before I had the Shutterfly ones done. I only had four prints made in total and it was only to see how they would look up close and personal. But its the styling that I'm wondering about, the framing and the addition of text. More sellable? Staring.......staring......staring? I'm thinking yes, it looks more professional. Thoughts?
what do you think?
Silly question, no one has ever left a message here or even seen this blog for all I know 🫤. I'm still searching for ways to earn some money and I just keep getting lost and tangled in all the websites unable to make decisions. I'd like to be able to use all the years of artwork I've created and saved to generate a bit of passive income. So I'm searching for options. Here's one possibility. Thoughts? These are all just mock ups done on the website where I did order just one mug to see how they look and feel. I'm anxious to see how long an order takes and then just have orders taken through me and sent to a buyer. It just seems easier to do it that way than to set up an online shop. I could be wrong?
The back of the mug is a quote from John Lennon.... Tame birds sing of freedom. Wild birds fly.
Trimming Down
I decided two years was enough time to waste on my addiction to beading! Made tons of things I liked but didn't do a thing with them. I'm not a very social person so setting up a craft market booth was out of the question and I have little to no skills when it comes to selling/marketing online. So......things had to go!
And they just did 😁. A lovely lady just came and pick all of this ↑ up. I did keep a few bits and bobs for that 'just in case' feeling. Silly.
Anyway maybe now I can get back to focusing on my painting.15.9.24
New Sales and Cancer Update
I finally managed to sell my first bracelet! Whew Who!!
Cancer update: I'm still struggling with post radiation mental focus and a bit of fatigue now and then but all in all things are looking good. I had a post surgery full body PET scan August 19th and no signs of cancer returning so far. But.........now my thyroid needs some attention, there's some slight enlargement and I'm blaming the radiation for that. I'm scheduled for an ultra sound in a couple of weeks to check that out. Tomorrow its off to get my Covid vaccine!
Finished those below now more birds and bracelets
I finished the previous listing of birds and thank you they all sold.
Now I've just finished three more and will get them up on ebay soon.
I'm also still playing with how to best list some simple jewelry I've made. I'm guessing its easiest to list them on ebay as well, rather than trying to create a whole new website for them. I'm thinking they're the kind of simple designs that would do well in outdoor craft shows etc but I just don't have the outgoing personality needed for that sort of thing :-( I will try listing the simplest bracelets at $5 plus (unfortunately) shipping, small padded bubble envelope. Make sense? Even though they are simple in design I want to make sure they have tracking and protection.